Vircomm 2012

Time is running out to get your tickets to Vircomm 2012!   If you can be in London on Feb 9th & have even the vaguest interest in online communities, you should be there!

Check out the Agenda – you don’t want to miss the session on best practices of online human behaviour, or the one on gaming communities, or maybe the metrics session is for you?   There’s also a keynote from Joshua March from conversocial & speakers from Moshi Monsters, Huffington Post, Crisp Thinking, CEOP, emoderation, Tempero, iFroggy, Elzware, Patients Like Me & more.

There will be an e-mint-up drinks session after the conference.   Details to be announced.

FYI, Vircomm’s twitter account – @Vircomm12

Hope to see you there!

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